Monthly Archives: February 2023

10 logicians at the cafe

The two puzzles below are very easy. I am indebted to my long term friend Biep for passing this one on to me. There are some related puzzles, which you can find here and here.

Ten logicians walked into a cafe. Each knew whether they wanted tea or coffee, but no one knew each other’s preferences. When they sat at a table, the waiter asked loudly, “Will everyone be having coffee?” Then the waiter went around the table, writing down each person’s answer.
There were three possible answers: “I don’t know”, “Yes”, and “No”. All answers were truthful and spoken loudly so that all group members heard them.

I don’t know*/*****
Suppose the first nine people said, “I don’t know”, and the tenth person said, “Yes”. How many of them wanted coffee?

6the and 7th*/*****
Suppose the sixth and the seventh answers were not the same. How many people said, “I don’t know”, how many said, “No”, and how many said, “Yes”. Find the smallest number of people who for sure would have ordered coffee and the smallest number who for sure would have wanted tea?

You can check your solution here.

New puzzles are published at least once a month on Fridays. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.