Monthly Archives: July 2021

Complete this multiplication

1) Complete this multiplication**/*****
Fill in the missing numbers such that
54 x 2__ = ____8
is a correct multiplication and all the digits 0 – 9 are used exactly once.

This problem was published in the Dutch mathematics magazine Pythagoras, issue no 4 in year 9 (1970).

New puzzles are published at least twice a month on Friday.
You can find the solution here.

Fibonacci series

Today’s puzzles were inspired by Michael Jacobs “Introductory Thinking Tasks”.

You all know the Fibonacci series: a term is the sum of the two previous terms, with the first two given. The top row shows a classic sequence:

Your task is of course to fill in the empty spaces of the other two rows.

New puzzles are published at least once a month on Fridays. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. You can check your solution here.

The successor of the Sultan (2)

The sultan took the survivors of the first round one by one to a second room with three boxes, depicted below. One was made of bronze, one of silver, and the third of gold.

Test 2***/*****
He told them: One of the three chests holds a treasure. And exactly one of the labels on the boxes is true. You must open one of the boxes. No doubt it will comfort you that the poison of the snakes in the other two boxes are Naja mortiferum, the toxin of which is extremely painful and deadly, but very fast working, so you won’t suffer very long.

Which box should the candidate open?

New puzzles are published at least once a month on Fridays. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. You can check your solution here.