Monthly Archives: June 2017

The same coffee

The same coffee*/*****
My wife and I visited a restaurant. When my wife found a fly in the coffee, I called the waiter, who took the cup away and returned with a fresh cup.
As the waiter walked away, my wife angrily called him back and said: “You brought me the same coffee!”

How did she know?

You can check both your solutions here

New puzzles are published at least twice a month on Friday. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.

Cryptarithm: metals

In the following sums, digits have been replaced by letters. A digit was always replaced by the same letter, and every letter always represents the same digit.

Metals 1**/*****

Metals 2***/*****

You can check your solutions here and here

New puzzles are published at least twice a month on Friday. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.

Matchsticks – the T

Have a look at the following figure:

You can easily check that 16 matches form 5 squares.

Move 2 matches**/*****
Move 2 matches to create 4 squares

You can check your solution here

Move 3 matches**/*****
Move 3 matches to create 4 squares

You can check your solution here

Move 4 matches**/*****
Move 4 matches to create 4 squares

You can check your solution here

New puzzles are published at least twice a month on Friday. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.