Monthly Archives: March 2014

How many rhombuses?

In Mathematics, a Rhombus is a figure consisting of 4 lines, all of the same size, and with opposing sides parallel.

How many rhombuses do you count in this figure?
Matchsticks 4x4 triangles

You can check your solution at here

Please try to solve the puzzles on your own: your self confidence will grow. You are welcome to remark on the puzzles, and I love it when you comment variations, state wether they are too easy or too difficult, or simply your solution times. Please do not state the soultions – it spoils the fun for others. I usually make the solution available after one or two weeks through a link, which allows readers to check the solution without the temptation to scroll down a few lines before having a go at it themselves.

A prime maze

Mazes are very old and very diverse. I hope to write about mazes in eneral another time, but here is one variation.

Prime maze  3x3 2014-01-20 exercise

Go from 1 the upper left corner to the bottom right corner with the following rules:
1) When you move from one square to the next, add the number in between
2) Every new number must be a prime number

For those of you, a prime number is a number of 2 or more which can only be divided by 1 and by itself. Thus 2, 3, 5 and so on are prime numbers, but 4, 6 and 9 are not.

I found this type of puzzle in one of the old Dutch math olympiads.

You can check your solution at here

Please try to solve the puzzles on your own: your self confidence will grow. You are welcome to remark on the puzzles, and I love it when you comment variations, state wether they are too easy or too difficult, or simply your solution times. Please do not state the soultions – it spoils the fun for others. I usually make the solution available after one or two weeks through a link, which allows readers to check the solution without the temptation to scroll down a few lines before having a go at it themselves.

Color grid (1)

What number goes into the cell with the question mark?

1) Color grid*
color grid 2014-02-12 nr 1 exercise

You can check your solution at here

Please try to solve the puzzles on your own: your self confidence will grow. You are welcome to remark on the puzzles, and I love it when you comment variations, state wether they are too easy or too difficult, or simply your solution times. Please do not state the soultions – it spoils the fun for others. I usually make the solution available after one or two weeks through a link, which allows readers to check the solution without the temptation to scroll down a few lines before having a go at it themselves.

You can find more puzzles of this type in one of our free or paid upcoming e-books on Logic puzzles.