Monthly Archives: July 2020


This Friday the return of a puzzle type we haven’t seen for a while:

1) Jewelry****/*****

Replace every letter by a digit to get a correct addition. A letter always represents the same digit.

New puzzles are published at least once a month on Fridays. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. You can check your solutions here.

Happy puzzling!

Four of a kind

This weeks puzzle I came across in an old issue of ‘Machazine’, dated July 2017.

How many cards should I draw from a double deck of cards to make sure I hold at least one four of a kind?

New puzzles are published at least once a month on Fridays. Solutions are published after one or more weeks. You are welcome to remark on the difficulty level of the puzzles, discuss alternate solutions, and so on. Puzzles are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. You can check your solutions here.